Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Saturday Salad

With Memorial Day passed, it's starting to feel a lot like summer! Which means the reality of moving across the country to start graduate school in August is also starting to sink in, and wow, there is a ton to do to get ready.

But posting about my lunch is more fun than chipping away at the awful to-do list occupying a full sheet of 8.5" x 11" paper on my desk.

I woke up around 9, which was glorious in and of itself. But after breakfast, it was down to business, working on things for my photography class, creating aforementioned to-do list, clearing out a bit of e-mail, exercising and getting cleaned up for the day. After my shower, it was definitely time for lunch, but when I opened the fridge, there was a not a leftover to be found. I did see 1/4 can of garbanzo beans, feta cheese and black olives and went from there.

Thankfully, there was a bunch of spinach in the crisper drawer, which formed the base of my lunch. To those ingredients I added the last of a backyard cucumber, some tomato, avocado and 1 salad pepper.

I dressed it with some of the Blueberry Pomegranate Vinegarette, poured some raspberry lemonade, put some crunchy pretzel sticks in a cup on the side and sat down to eat.

These pretzel sticks are really satisfying to eat because they require a lot of chewing. They were a nice contrast to the soft veggies in the salad.

I guess it's time to get back to work now since it is somehow mid-afternoon already.

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