Welcome to Two Betsu Bara (2BB)! What is a "bestu bara"? Simply, it means always having room for dessert.
I started this blog in November 2010, when I was living with my boyfriend Keizo in Japan.
This was my second time living in Japan; my first stint began after college graduation as an English teacher with the JET Programme. I spent two years in Kurume City in Fukuoka Prefecture, teaching basic English in elementary and junior high schools (1st through 9th grades) during the week and exploring the country during school breaks. It was an incredible experience, parts of which you can read about here.
One of those weekends in January 2008 I went out to explore the night life in Fukuoka City and met this guy (the non-banana suit wearing one on the right):
A few weeks later, we arranged to meet up again. We spent 30 minutes waiting for each other in different places near one of the main train stations, but this blog wouldn't exist if we hadn't eventually found each other, and Keizo hadn't confessed in the middle of dessert that he was still hungry *swoon*
Thus began our adventures together, which continued merrily until I couldn't handle any more lessons about favorite sports and animals and I decided it was time to head back to the US in August 2009. I confess I wasn't really sure our relationship would withstand a several thousand mile separation and 16 hour time difference, but every so often, I enjoy being proven wrong (clarification: this may be the one and only time.)
I thought I would find a better job back in the States, speaking the language fluently, but I didn't find that to be the case. Missing Keizo and Japan, I decided to go back and look for another teaching job in the fall of 2010. Things didn't work out on the job front, and I spent way too much time sitting in the apartment alone surfing the internet. On a positive note, it was during this time that 2BB came to be.
I am very fortunate to have met someone so caring, generous, patient and understanding, even if I can only see him a few times a year at this point. In addition to our frequent Skype chats, this blog is another way to stay connected across the continents through our favorite medium, food.
There are a zillion food blogs out there; thank you for taking the time to visit this one!