Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Mochi Madness Pumpkin Party

If your freezer looks like this...

...and there's a darling kabocha hibernating in the spare room...

...what in the world should you make for dinner?

I am so glad you asked. The frozen mochi (pounded rice cakes) is but a fraction of the total amount we have received from Keizo's generous parents. I like mochi; but not having grown up eating it, I really don't know what to do with it. We had some toasted with soy sauce the other night for dinner instead of rice and it was okay, but we really needed a recipe that would help us use up a chunk of it. And thanks to the Internet, we found one!

Mochi pizza! While Keizo sliced up some potatoes to mix with the softened mochi to form the "crust" I got started cutting up the kabocha for a side of pumpkin soup. After "roasting" it in the microwave, I scraped the flesh from the skin into the blender and blended it with chicken stock, poured the mixture into a pot, added fresh cream, nutmeg and some rosemary and voila!

Keizo assembles the pizza in the fry pan--much faster than waiting for the oven to heat up!

Soup and pizza just before we get ready to demolish them.

The pizza up close. I insisted on canned pineapple and ham as the toppings of the evening.

The pumpkin soup recipe made a whole pot full, so I got to enjoy it for several meals, including lunch with a side of cheesy garlic toast.

I think we will definitely be making both of these again as they were warm, delicious and there is still a bunch of mochi in the freezer.

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