Monday, July 4, 2011

Red, white and blue!

Happy 4th of July!!

I have been thinking about this patriotic breakfast since Saturday, when I stopped at Paradise Bakery on the way home from work and picked up a dozen cookies to share with dinner guests. In the box, between the snickerdoodles and plain sugar cookie was a sugar cookie all dressed up for the 4th in red, white and blue sprinkles.

Thankfully, there was still a chunk left this morning when I opened the cookie tin. Had I wanted to use a chocolate chip cookie, I would have had no such luck. And when you have a good thing going, why change it? My oats also got a healthy dollop of Greek yogurt, strawberries and blueberries under the cookie crumb dusting.

Plus, I used the red and white bowl and a blue mug!

Delicious cookie crumbles! My mom gives me a bit of a hard time about adding dessert to my breakfast bowl, but I really have been trying to limit it to special occasions recently. Pretty sure Independence Day is a special occasion, and the the perfect one to be an independent, out-of-the-box breakfast eater!

1 comment:

  1. YUM! I like that you were EXTRA productive on Monday!!! I can't wait to go home and EAT!!!! I'm going to gain 10 pounds!
