Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Mid-week Madness

The title of this post refers mostly to my inability to control myself at the grocery store, not an overwhelming work load (thank goodness!) Apparently, I feel so confident with where I am in my work that I not only have time to spend an hour at the grocery store, but then another hour cooking/eating and a good 40 minutes cleaning up various areas of my apartment, but blog about it all too!

Today's grocery haul. Most people who live alone probably don't spend $86 on a trip to the grocery store. In my defense, I am still stocking up on some basics like sugar and flour, but the most expensive items were the "family pack" of frozen tilapia fillets and 10 pack box of granola bars at $9.99 and about $7.00 respectively. The fish will keep and come in handy, but I might need to re-examine my granola bar preferences.

These were not on my list, but they looked really good. And if you end up with something not on your list, it may as well be vegetables. The green beans and garlic are drizzled with a little olive oil, salt & pepper and baked at 400*F for 20 minutes. I took them out once in the middle to mix around and make sure stuff wasn't baking to the pan too badly.

While the beans were roasting, I started on the main dish that sent me to the grocery store in the first place--fish tacos! I defrosted two fish fillets, cut them into taco sized chunks, coated them with a mixture of cornmeal, chili powder and crushed black pepper and put them in a pan with a bit of olive oil.

Beans at the end of their roast, crispy on the ends, sweet in the middle and smelling gloriously garlicky.

I set the table with the necessary condiments and warmed up the tortillas in the microwave.

And voila! Dinner time!

All of the post dinner clean up helped me avoid a total food coma, but didn't stop me from putting on my elastic waist PJ pants right after I finished. Like my pantry, I am FULL.

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