Monday, March 7, 2011

Pizza Party!

Two's company, but three is a party!! And what do you serve at a party? Why, pizza of course!

One Saturday, Keizo and I made a quick trip to Costco, which is barely 10 minutes from my parents' house. As I pulled into the parking lot, he uttered an amazed "We're here already?" The Costco in Japan is about 30 minutes from his apartment, making it a rather inconvenient place to pick up just one or two things.

We stocked up on some household staples and grabbed a plain cheese take and bake pizza. When we got home, we got started assembling the toppings bar; we had spinach, sausage, bell peppers, sun dried tomatoes, olives, onions and mushrooms!

We also picked up some wine, and since we were at my parents' house, there were actual wine glasses to drink from!

One of my best friends from high school joined us for dinner and we got started decorating our own pieces of pizza. Then we popped the whole tray in the oven at 400 F for about 10 minutes and we were ready to eat.

Jenny and I showing off our mad pizza decorating skills on round 2.

After dinner, we were joined by Jenny's husband and we brought out the board games. First we played Jenga, then moved onto Pictionary, which provided us with hours of entertainment. I don't think they left until after 12. I really hope we'll all get a chance to do it again...just not quite sure when that will be.

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