Wednesday, December 1, 2010

One is the loneliest number

Except when you are an ex-vegetarian with a carnivorous boyfriend who is out of town!! Keizo played a game in Osaka last weekend, leaving me to enjoy some meatless meals by myself. My general rule when cooking for one is not to make anything too complicated. So I didn't.

I went to the store to pick up some salad fixings and instant soup. After I finished paying at the main register, I noticed that the bakery at the front of the store was getting ready to close for the night and all the bread was 50% off. Bread in Japan is usually of the very white and squishy variety, but this bakery had some interesting looking rolls for sale. I bought a "Naan Pizza" bread and a miniature garlic baguette.

Back in the kitchen, I washed the veggies, toasted some garlic bread and added hot water to my soup packet. I also cut up 1/2 a sweet potato and a remaining chunk of kabocha from the fridge, sauteed them in olive oil and seasoned with salt and pepper. Throw everything on one plate (when cooking for one, you never want to use more dishes than you absolutely have to) and cha-ching, a lovely dinner for one.

The garlic baguette really made the meal, crispy and perfect for dipping in the corn soup.

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