Sunday, March 7, 2021

Currently - March '21

I think this month's post is done in time to join the link up over at Anne in Residence. Isn't that exciting?

Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens

choosing - To embrace each month as it comes instead of worrying about where the previous one went. I'm ready for warm weather and eventually getting vaccinated; enough of this winter stuff!

imagining - Getting a camper van and visiting National Parks out west. Or doing some bike touring. Job? What job?

making - Our weekly grocery list does not vary much, despite my efforts to plan different types of meals each week. There's usually a pasta dish, some kind of stir fry or curry, maybe something Mexican inspired, or a soup. 

Recently though I've gotten some renewed inspiration from old Blue Apron recipes (Kale & Plantain Salad) and the show Nadia Bakes on Netflix. Watching Nadia decked out in bright colors in a gorgeous kitchen makes me wonder if I would have the same boundless energy and enthusiasm if I embraced more color in my life. :-D

recommending - We sped through both seasons of Blown Away, a glass blowing competition show on Netflix, and most Sundays you'll find me listening to Wait Wait Don't Tell Me and/or Ask Me Another as I do things around the house.

wearing - The same 20% of my clothes over and over again. Certainly, some of that is seasonal - can't really embrace the sundresses and tank tops when it's 40* outside - but a good part of it is working from home and needing everything to be warm and comfortable. Stretchy jeans and relaxed sweaters FTW.


And before it becomes even more of a blur, here are a few good things I want to remember about February:

  • Becoming an aunt! Cora Meadow was born on February 23, and the photos and videos my brother and sister-in-law send make my day every time.
  • Riding 43 miles on the bike trainer, plus a few outdoor rides. Indoors, I follow videos from Train with GCN.
  • This recipe for California Roll Sushi Bowls, which was so good we had it two weeks in a row and also has my mother's seal of approval. 

1 comment:

  1. I hear you with the same meals over and over. It is so exhausting... And I only cook for two.
    Also that Netflix show Blown away is on my list too. I need to start watching it. Sounds so interesting.
