Thursday, January 31, 2013

School + Stuff

This week's major triumph was finally figuring out my class schedule for this semester.  One of the classes I was originally enrolled in was canceled the first week due to a winter storm warning; had a whopping total of three students show up last week and was completely scrapped this last weekend, mere hours before the add/drop deadline.  There were some frantic e-mails, talks of independent studies, and a sinking feeling that my only other option was a housing policy class where I would be hundreds of pages behind in the readings before I decided to beg and plead my way into Advanced GIS to gain a few more practical skills before my impending graduation.  With that settled, all that's left to do now is the work!

Some scenes of late that are probably of more interest than the riveting story above:

1) Outside Mr. Jefferson's Rotunda one week ago.  Yesterday, it was close to 70*F and tomorrow it might snow again.  Getting dressed has been a bit of a challenge.

2) My pantry is home to quite a bit of old cereal.  During the summer when the weather is warm and berries are plentiful, cereal strikes me as an excellent breakfast choice.  I buy a big box and eat maybe four servings.  Sometimes I mix in dried fruit/nuts and take it to school as a snack, but the longer the cereal has been around, the less appetizing that is.  Two weeks ago I had the brilliant idea to coat it in honey and flax seeds, bake, smother in chocolate and save some money on granola bars!  I am now down to my last piece, and have plenty of supplies to make another batch this weekend.

3)  My kitchen project last weekend involved another item that has been in my kitchen forever: some pumpkin Christina cooked down for a pie several months ago and has been lingering in the freezer ever since.  I had a hankering for something sweet, and found this recipe for a Pumpkin Roll Cake.  This was my first time making a roll cake, and it wasn't nearly as complicated as I had feared.  The batter came together pretty easily, it baked just fine on a cookie sheet covered in parchment paper and held together when I rolled it up!  I did get powdered sugar everywhere, but I don't think that had anything to do with the recipe.

After the cake had cooled in its rolled-up shape, I had to unroll it to add the cream cheese filling.  This was also less onerous than expected, and I had a wonderfully attractive and delicious accompaniment for my cup of tea.

4) My meal from a recipe this week was Chicken Tortilla Soup; tonight I ate it with a very cheesy quesadilla and a spinach salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.  Tasty!

Tomorrow is Friday! And the first day of is that even possible?!

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