Thursday, January 3, 2013

さよなら 2012

A look back at life in and out of the kitchen: Part I

People all over the interwebs are opining about the end of 2012 and sharing aspirations for 2013.  I am still coming to terms with the fact that another year has come to a end, and it will be a few more days before my new year's resolutions are fully formed.  One resolution--recommitting to this blog--doesn't need any more time, so without further ado, my 2012 review.


I started the year of the dragon in Japan with Keizo, writing New Year's cards, dressing up for a fancy dinner and eating as much Japanese food as possible.  All things must come to an end, and it wasn't long before I was back in Charlottesville and fully immersed in my second semester of graduate school.


Highlights from February included making adorable Super Bowl treats and starting the Insanity workout DVDs with my housemates.  I didn't actually attend a Super Bowl party, but I did finish the 60 days of Insanity.  While the first 15 days were difficult physically, the last 15 or so days were nearly impossible mentally.  The workouts were so repetitive and any initial weight loss was countered by muscle gain that made my jeans feel too tight.  Seriously, who works out and needs to buy larger jeans!?!  After Insanity was over, it was really nice to reintroduce some variety into my fitness routine (and have comfortable jeans again.)


Although March was one of my busiest months at school, it was made thoroughly more enjoyable by a three week visit from Keizo.  This was his first trip to the East Coast, and despite the fact that most of the trees had yet to sprout new leaves, Keizo thought Virginia was very "natureful."  He was an excellent house guest, pitching in to help with the cooking, dishes and even cleaning the shower!  I hope our weekend adventures to DC, Monticello, Shenandoah National Park and Blue Mountain Brewery made up for some of the time I had to spend at school and doing homework.


Another busy month at school as finals approached.  I took some time off for the planner's Easter Potluck, an event I hope we have again this year.


May was an exciting month, in large part because I finished my first year of grad school, but also because I got to spend a long weekend in Northern Virginia with extended family to celebrate my dad's birthday.  Almost everyone from my dad's side was there, as well as two aunts and a cousin from my mom's side.  No one could recall the last time we were all together in the same place, so I am very excited to report that it will be happening again this year at my cousin Malia's wedding!

After school ended and my trip north, I had lots of time to enjoy Charlottesville sans students.  I went strawberry picking, played my first ever game of Stump, and got back into baking with some strangely delicious black sesame chocolate chip cookies.


During June I spent my days working at my two internships, learning a lot about bicycle and pedestrian planning as well as discovering that despite a plethora of engineering specifications for all manner of roads, similar data and best practice information does not seem to exist for parking lots.  Evenings and weekends were blissfully work free, allowing me to try my hand at gardening, go to Fridays After Five and do all sorts of leisurely things.

I even got to take a whole week off when Keizo came to visit at the end of the month.  We headed east to Williamsburg and Virginia Beach, got a little sunburned then headed back to Cville where we survived the giant derecho in my basement apartment with my housemates, their co-workers and a dog.  We were without power for about 24 hours, which was annoying but nothing compared to the damage wrecked elsewhere.

Stay tuned for Part II...

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