Tonight's dinner contained an ingredient that was new to me: Swiss chard. My mom brought back some home-grown swiss chard from a dinner party and enlisted me to come up with a way to use it. A quick internet search (seriously, how did people--myself included--ever live without it?!) revealed a few promising recipes, including this one for Swiss Chard and Sausage Fritatta from Sunset Magazine.
The process:
I used 6 big leaves of Swiss chard, chopping off most of the red, woody part, and cutting them into smaller pieces.
Sausage, onion, bell pepper and mushrooms and a bit of olive oil went into the skillet first.
Next, I added the chard, stirring occasionally until it had wilted and there was room to pour in the egg mixture, which consisted of eggs, some grated cheddar cheese and a pinch of salt.
The recipe said to start the fritatta on the stove and transfer it to the boiler to set the top, but with a lid on it, mine was pretty much set after 15 minutes.
Served! Swiss chard has a bit stronger flavor than say, spinach, and I think using mildly spicy sausage helped make it extra tasty. Usually I feel like I need ketchup or Tabasco on my eggs, but neither made an appearance tonight ;-)