Sunday, January 24, 2016

Real Life Resolutions

I've been thinking about my resolutions for 2016 for nearly a month now, and it seemed like time to finally put them down in writing.

I started the month by creating an elaborate chart with different goals grouped by themes, but never finished filling it out. In some categories I had a goal for every month; in others, only one or two goals for the year. What was supposed be to a super organized way of looking at my goals quickly became a mess I didn't want to look at.

Three weeks later, I am abandoning the ridiculous chart in favor of the handful of goals that have stuck in my mind throughout the month.

6 things for 2016

    1. More yoga
    2. Exercise in the morning
    3. Volunteer
    4. Make time for hobbies
    5. Travel every month
    6. Date my husband

Even as I am typing this, I have to remind myself that having a short list of resolutions doesn't limit my ability to accomplish other things. I still want to read more, try new recipes, get my finances in order, organize the kitchen drawers, improve at work (and on and on and on). My hope is that the shorter list above, and the first two items in particular, will help me do all of those things too. When I get a bit lost and overwhelmed, I can return to my word for the year, CONTRIBUTE, and the six things above to help me find my way again.

To a happy, healthy and fulfilling 2016!

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