Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Currently - Jan '15

Last week got pretty busy at work, with even more time spent staring at a computer screen than usual. I know my eyes and brain appreciated the break in the evenings, but I am disappointed to have missed the "Currently" link-up with Anne and Jenna this month. Better late than never, here's what I've been up to of late: run my first 10K on March 1, provided the ground isn't completely covered in ice or other wintery precipitation.  I have a training plan taped to my fridge, but I have only gotten in about half of the prescribed workouts for the first two weeks.

...the work project I spent 20+ hours formatting last week doesn't need any revisions. With my track record though, maybe I won't be the one asked to do them.

...carrot cake. I was excited to try out a recipe my mom gave me over Christmas, but the second step called for three ingredients that were not included in the list above the instructions. I pulled out another cookbook and found a very similar recipe that made a dozen cupcakes for a dinner get-together and a single 9" round cake to take into work the next day.

...low heeled ankle boots. They go with skirts/tights as well as pants for work and keep my feet warmer than my usual flats and wedges. I've started looking for a second pair to put into the rotation for the cold months ahead. continue working on my 30 before 30 list and general monthly goals. I am also trying to be more decisive and act on items from both my to-do and want-to lists.


  1. I haven't checked in on this blog in a long time... I like how it has transitioned over time, Wendy-chan. It's really neat~ Cheers, Dave

  2. I haven't checked in on this blog in a long time... I like how it has transitioned over time, Wendy-chan. It's really neat~ Cheers, Dave
