Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Story about Scones

Once upon a time, I set out to make some birthday treats for a classmate. I started by lining up the ingredients for a group shot, a idea I got here.

My, what a big can of pumpkin you have! The best part, it's only can #2 of 4. I have two more of the same size waiting in the cupboard, and will probably buy at least one more when I open the next one.

Following this recipe for the most part, I got started on the scones. Since it was my first time making scones, I actually followed the instructions that said to mix wet and dry separately before combining. I think it was a good call.

Once combined, I separated the dough in half and squashed it into two circles. The recipe called for one circle, but I wanted to get more than 8 giant scones out of all my "hard work."

I cut the circles into wedges and transferred them to a baking sheet, gave them a quick egg wash and sprinkled with a bit of white sugar.

The gooey before...

...and browned delicious after.

Once cool, I mixed up some quick cream cheese frosting, thinned it with a little water for drizzling and packed up the scones to take to school...

...where they were eaten. Not exactly happily ever after for the scones, but I didn't hear anyone protesting on their behalf.

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