Sunday, May 14, 2023

Currently - April + May '23

I never got around to finishing the draft of April's post, so here's a two-fer for May! It was pretty much written in time for the first Wednesday of the month, but I just got around to adding the second image some 10 days later... You can check out other's posts on Jennifer's blog.

In early April, I was...

loving - the past two weekends where Keizo has had both Saturday and Sunday off from work. We tackled some things from the to-do list, had my parents over for dinner, found a new Asian grocery store, and more!

playing - This Surf Rock Sunshine playlist on Spotify for the beachy, everything's cool vibes. 

feeling - excited for some upcoming travel; a work + fun trip to Colorado next week and a fun trip to meet up with friends in Las Vegas in early May. The CO trip will be my first overnight work travel in many moons, and it's been 12 years (!!!) since our last trip to Vegas. 

needing - something to wear in Vegas? to bike more? to come up with some quarterly goals? <--all still true!

And now in early May, I'm...

loving - The flowering stalks on the aloes we rescued from someone's bulk trash pile shortly after we moved in. It's gratifying to see them thriving on our back patio, and very cool when a hummingbird comes by to take a drink.

picturing - Looking back at photos from the past 6 months the other day really showed how much has changed since our move. I can't believe we've been in AZ for almost 1/2 a year already, but seeing photos of our niece and how much she's changed since Christmas, plus other events etc. in early 2023 kind of blew my mind. Day to day, things can feel very much the same, but time if flying by!

craving - Working from an office a few days last week reiterated to me how much I've been missing it. I might need to look into co-working spaces or coffee shop options to help add a bit more variety to my workdays.

wishing - Sort of wishing I knew when niece #2 would arrive so I could tell our friends whether we will be camping with them over Memorial Day weekend or not. I don't want to miss either event! 

collecting - Still working on rebuilding the houseplant collection; happy to report most of them are doing pretty well, and hopefully the ones that I replanted to larger containers today will perk up in their new environments.

Best of March + April

  • AZ Bike Summit - This was my first networking / conference-type event in AZ. Attendees were a mix of local government staff, consultants like me, and bicycle advocates. I got to meet a few people whose names I recognized from emails, and got out of the house for a change!
  • Getting more things for the house / yard - I wonder what exactly I was referencing when I jotted this one down back in April. We did get a washer and dryer, so no more bringing our laundry over to my parent's house; and we have some new rugs brightening up the living room and back patio. 
  • Aerobics class - My mom and I took a step aerobics class together my last year or two of high school. When I moved out for college, my dad started going with my mom. They're no longer regular attendees, but the instructor is still teaching, and I'm back in her class on Thursdays. The routine is largely the same, and there are even some of the same people in the class, which is pretty inspirational!
  • Trip to Colorado - The trip was a very nice mix of solo / work time before Keizo joined for a few days of adventure. We had a great time, and I can't wait to go back.
  • 1st pool hangout - After experiencing bit of snow in Colorado, the triple digit temperatures in Phoenix this week were a bit of a shock to the system. Brother's backyard pool to the rescue on Saturday, hopefully just the first of many dips this summer.

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