Monday, November 7, 2022

Currently - November 2022

Welcome to the 11th Currently post of 2022! I'll give myself a little pat on the back for consistency, and then let's jump in. Please check out the other posts on Jennifer's blog as well.

View from the GAP somewhere between Frostburg and Cumberland

borrowing - these prompts (ha ha). And it's not really borrowing, but I've definitely appreciated all of the packing/moving tips and well wishes friends have been sharing with us as we prep for our move.

buying - Fresh food only. And annoyingly, some more dish soap and other essentials that we're out of but still need. We're also mentally adding things to our Christmas wish list and will be doing quite a bit of shopping on the other end of the move once we've found a place to live.

planning - With our bike adventure behind us, it's time to plan our cross-country road trip to AZ. As the amount of time before Thanksgiving gets shorter, our route has become a bit more direct than initially planned. Also trying to plan our last outings with friends and extended family in DC, which include a happy hour, my last knitting group meet-up, and visits to the Library of Congress and big Air and Space Museum out by Dulles.

prepping - For the move! We're making some progress each day, although this week we've got to ramp it up, rent a truck to donate furniture, etc.

reading - Not a whole lot I would recommend lately, though I did enjoy a break from packing with this month's Real Simple magazine. I redeemed some airline points a few years ago for a subscription and it just keeps coming; I've thought about canceling it, but I do enjoy the bit of off-screen entertainment it provides each month.

Best of October

  • DC Bike Party - Something I've always wanted to do, but been a bit discouraged by the ~6 mile ride to the starting point in Dupont Circle. Thankfully this year's Halloween edition was on a Friday, and a few of Keizo's co-workers were participating, so we decided to join and had a great time. Also learned that the metro runs late on Friday nights!
  • "Finals Week" at work - Working late to get things wrapped up, then spending almost 1/2 a day clearing ~8 years of papers out of my desk at the office maybe wasn't the most enjoyable in the moment, but afterwards I did feel like I'd done my best to leave things in good shape. There was also a goodbye happy hour and a separate company gathering after work that felt nearly pre-pandemic/hybrid work in terms of the number of people that came, which was really nice, though somewhat bittersweet as I will return to work in January almost fully remote.
  • GAP/C&O bike ride - Stay tuned for a separate post about this, although it's hard to put into words exactly how awesome it is to spend a week riding bikes past gorgeous fall foliage on 300+ miles of trails without motor vehicle traffic.


  1. Cross country moves are hard. All the best as you prepare and move and settle in.

    1. Thank you, Natasha! We're physically in AZ now, but the unpacking part it yet to come.
