Saturday, March 7, 2020

Currently - March '20

We've had some gorgeous spring-like weather here lately, so some days it's hard to believe that it's only early March. Other days, I can't wait for April or May and all of the fun, outdoor activities that come with them. But before I get too far ahead of myself, here's what I've been up to lately:

fixing - Small holes in a number of clothing items - winter hat, socks, tights, more socks - one thing at a time. I always feel a bit torn between the "Happier" hack of getting rid of something as soon as it's worn out and the more environmentally-friendly 'fix it and wear it out again' ethos I was raised with, so I've started adding in a layer of Mari Kondo 'does it spark joy?' to determine what's worth the time/effort to fix.

hearing - Last week, I kicked off a new project at work with a series of meetings in a city ~2 hours away, and heard some new podcasts during the drives to and fro. I listened to a few episodes of "The War on Cars," and an old episode of "Invisibilia" about the influence of computers on our lives. I haven't really gotten into any urban planning/transportation podcasts before (too much like work), but I enjoyed the episodes of "The War on Cars" and their broader take on car culture, especially the episode where they discussed Oprah's famous car giveaway.

borrowing - Jamie Oliver's 5 Ingredients Quick & Easy cookbook from the library. A few weeks ago, we caught a few episodes of the show with the same name on TV and had our meals planned for the week with very little effort. While we wait for our CSA to start up again, it's nice to have someone else figure out the ingredients and menu!

feeling - Uncertain about making many plans and booking travel due to corona virus. The first cases in our area were reported on Friday. Other than washing my hands more and trying to take in more Vitamin C I haven't changed my routine too much, but we'll see what happens in the next few weeks.

recommending - That everyone (and especially me) spend more time outside, especially now that daylight's savings time means more light after work!

See what others are up to by stopping by the link up on Anne in Residence.

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