Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Currently - June '16

Hello June! Thank you for bringing summer to the DC area. May was a pretty dreary month around here, but it ended with some high notes, including a 17 mile bike ride around DC streets closed to traffic with 7,000 other people and a 4 day camping trip in the Great Smoky Mountains over Memorial Day weekend. There's a clear "summer" theme throughout this post, and checking in with others over on Anne and Jenna's blogs, it seems I am not alone in celebrating the arrival of a new season.

planning - Summer activities!  I haven't been to a baseball game yet this season, there are several beer gardens in town, and I'd want to block of a few weekends for another camping trip or visit to the beach. My parents, brother and several other members of my extended family will all be in town for a long weekend in July as well, and I am looking forward to seeing them for the first time since Christmas!

enjoying - Summer beers. With the temperatures hitting the 90's midday, lighter, fruity beers are where it's at. I've consumed a fair share of Leinenbugel's Summer Shandy over the years, and last summer I was introduced to their other varieties. I'm not a huge grapefruit fan, but I do like their Grapefruit Shandy.

buying - Summer CSA subscription. I've wanted to try a CSA for years, and now that Keizo lives here, I don't have to worry as much about not being able to use all of the vegetables before they go bad. We signed up for a weekly box from Spiral Path Farm, one of the vendors at the Downtown Silver Spring Farmer's Market. We pick up our first box on Saturday!

craving - More time, or is it energy? How about both, just to be on the safe side? I've just come through some very busy weeks at work, and it feels despite all of my efforts, I am barely staying on top of things. The weeks ahead look better, but there are certainly some adjustments that need to be made so I can spend more time doing the things I want and like to do and less time feeling tired and overwhelmed.

pinning - Given my recent stress levels, I have been drawn to motivational quotes, and given the sudden changes in temperature from 50-60's to 90's I need all the fashion inspiration I can get. I've forgotten about how to wear fewer than three layers and a scarf at a time!


  1. Oooh that sounds so fun for a bike ride! I love running in DC, and I bet biking with no traffic would be even more fun and scenic :) And this makes me wish I had signed up for a CSA again - I've loved them in the past. Hope you do too!

    1. So far, so good with the CSA! We used some of the potatoes, turnips and arugula in our dinner tonight and I loved how fresh everything tasted.

  2. I love anything about summer, hot, sweltering days at all. I unabashedly enjoy it as my favorite season.

    1. The days have been pretty sweltering already, but I agree - there are so many great things about summer to enjoy!

  3. It sounds like you have lots of fun things coming up for summer, I'm trying to make some summer plans too. We've never tried a CSA before but I've heard such good things. I hope you enjoy yours!

    1. Thanks Shea! So far so good with the CSA; everything has been really fresh, and it's fun to see what we get every week.

  4. Ah! Summer Shandy is my current summer favorite. I got a few of them for a float down the river, and it was soooo refreshing in the heat. So good!

    1. Excellent choice! And now I need to add tubing to my summer bucket list :-)
