Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Currently - April '16

It's starting to look a lot like spring around here! All the green leaves and beautiful blooms are a sight for sore eyes, and an encouraging reminder that brighter (warmer) days are ahead. I'm hoping the temperatures will catch up soon too.

I am too late to officially be part of this month's Currently link up with Anne and Jenna, but their blogs are always worth a read so be sure to visit.

making - Running my fitness focus for the month. I signed up for a 5K on May 1, and have not been in the habit of running regularly since I dislocated my knee last July. I found a training plan online, wrote it all out on the calendar in the kitchen, and while I haven't made all the workouts happen, I have run twice during each of the last two weeks. Can't even begin to remember the last time that happened!

wishlisting - Something big (new phone) and something small (water resistant picnic blanket). I'm not really ready to part with my yellow 5c, but I do envy the big shiny screen and crisp photos on Keizo's 6. Target (of course) had some great picnic blankets a few summers ago with really cute prints, but I haven't seen any I like quite as much since.

cleaning - No urges to do any major spring cleaning, but I'm hoping that it will soon be time to put away the sweaters and coats until fall. Along the same vein, I'd like to find some quick, easy ways to switch up the decorating a little to reflect the season a bit more.

posting - Something other than a Currently post! You can read a quick recap and see some photos from our New Orleans trip here.

tasting - Cocktails. I have developed an unexpected love for Old Fashioneds, so the Sazeracs we had in New Orleans appealed to me a lot as well. We also tried and really liked the Foreign Affair (gin, white wine, vanilla) at Delmonico. At home, we've made these Peachy Moscow Mules, which are great if you don't mind some pulp at the bottom. We don't drink every night, I swear!

1 comment:

  1. I have a(nother) work trip to New Orleans in June, so I'm so excited to check out your post to get some ideas for my off-time. I have always loved Emeril, and I have no problem with discovering some new cocktails :) And good luck with your run! It feels so good to get back to it after injury...
