Thursday, November 13, 2014


I am not a very good blogger, and I'm not just talking about the long stretches between posts lately. I'm referring more to my passive participation in the blogging community.  There are probably about a dozen or so blogs I follow on a regular basis, but I only comment on one or two of them, and even that is rare.  

One blog I have been following for a while (but have yet to comment on) is Anne in Residence. She gives great packing advice, has amazing monthly review posts, and presents everything in a professional, yet fun and friendly way.  Near the beginning of the month, she hosts a link up where bloggers share what they are "currently" up to.  I've always enjoyed reading these posts, and thought I would try one of my own based on November's prompts.

1) Reading -- At Home by Bill Bryson. This is the probably the third or fourth Bill Bryson book I've read, and I am enjoying it just as much as the others. I've even learned a few things, although there is so much information packed into these pages it can be a bit hard to absorb sometimes.

2) Wishlisting -- Some new furniture/decorations for my apartment. My walls aren't exactly white, but they are pretty bare and my living room definitely lacks a focal point.

3) Loving -- I think the leaves have been especially nice this year, and I have enjoyed this pretty stand of trees on my way to work the past few weeks (that's my office building in the background). It doesn't hurt that my go-to pair of sunglasses have a brown tint, which really brings out the color.

4) Appreciating -- So many things: a job with a future, a roof over my head and my good health.  And what does a Hello Kitty power wheel have to do with any of that?  Not much, but the photo was sent to me by my brother, who will be visiting this weekend, and reminds me of the 9-question Hello Kitty quiz Keizo read to me while I was getting ready this morning.  Getting to adventure all over Japan with Jamie is the only reason I could answer any of the questions (did you know Hello Kitty weighs as much as 3 apples?), so that flashy toy has me appreciating a lot of special people in my life as well.

5) Creating -- Just getting started on a small hat to be gifted at a baby shower later this month.  It definitely needs some work, or it will only be a headband!

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