Saturday, January 8, 2011


Since New Year's, I have had a hard time getting back to a regular sleep schedule. Catching a cold from Keizo and sleeping until 1 PM on Friday didn't help things either. What's a girl to do after she reads until 1 AM and still can't fall asleep for another hour or so? My solution so far is to wake up around 10 or 11, which really isn't solving anything and makes me feel like I am already a few hours behind on my day before I even can find my slippers and make it to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. Super.

One small consolation however has been a few delicious brunches over the past week. 11 is too late for breakfast, and I am too hungry to wait an hour to eat lunch. So in addition to my routine breakfast of coffee, toast and yogurt, I've been adding eggs, meat and smoothies.

That's a pinapple-orange-banana smoothie on the left with toast and a sunny side up egg. Not too shabby, but hardly worth comparing to the highlight of the week:

French Toast and Sausage Skillet adapted from a tajine cookbook recently borrowed from the library. In a word, hearty.

Maybe to help me get to sleep earlier I should be spending my evenings immersed in hot water like this adorable monkey tea bag, courtesy of Keizo's sister. Now there's a thought...

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